
WPC: Lines…

What better way to start [again] at the beginning than with a Weekly Photo Challenge.

My feet are again placed on the proverbial starting “Line“line as last week I unwittingly deleted all my followers that I had acquired over the many years I’ve been a WordPress user.

How did I make such an error?

I decided to change to and on following instructions, migrated data etc and followers over to the new site.   After a few days of frustration I decided it wasn’t working for me, so returned to my However on deleting my Jetpack subscription I did not realise that my followers would also be deleted.

Call me naive, or stupid if the cap fits, but as I still had my original site live, I simply presumed all would be well.  No, it wasn’t

So all that’s left to do is to stand on the starting line once again and hit the ground running.

Ah as the French would say: c’est la vie…




For a number of years my blog was called Quite Simply, but I came to the realisation that just as I had grown and changed over the years, my blog needed to also.

I knew the new name needed to reflect the true loves of my life, and it also needed to be flexible and not limit ways in which I could document and share those loves: animals, photography & plant-based eating.stanleybear (1 of 1)-21

So just who are Stanley & Bear? They’re dachshunds, and incredibly special ones at that.

Stanley is the 2nd of my four dachshunds that have come into my life, following the passing of my beautiful Kiri. He is loyal, loveable and the silent leader of our sausage pack.  Oscar aka Bear, arrived into our home not long after Stanley, and like Stanley he is a wire-haired dachshund with a gentle nature and loving soul.

Simon & Eddie complete our foursome, yet unlike S & B, they are of the smooth-haired variety and came to us as fosters with sad backgrounds. We chose not to re-home them with strangers and instead adopted them to complete our Sausage family.

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When it came to re-naming my blog, using Stanley & Bear seemed to fit as the name enables me to encapsulate what I love most in life. Animals, photography and plant-based eating.

You may ask how photography and plant-based eating falls under the Stanley & Bear umbrella. Firstly, S & B are simply incredible ‘models’ from a photographic perspective and they are always willing to help if I’m setting up a photo shoot. That’s Bear on the left doing a spot of quality assurance checks on a batch of freshly made vegan mayonnaise: recipe in a post soon.


Secondly, they are sentient beings whose right to live a life free from harm is of the utmost importance. Just as it is of the utmost importance for me to eat a healthy, wholesome plant-based diet.

And lastly, it would’ve been a mouthful to have included all the boy’s names in the title, so hence, Stanley & Bear was born.

I hope to take my blog to a new place: sharing images, plant-based recipes and the antics of my beloved Sausage boys.


Simon, Oscar (aka Bear), Stanley & Eddie