
Some Melbourne moments…

Earlier this year I did a quick trip back to my hometown of Melbourne. The weather was superb and seeing Melbourne is known to be ‘the city of 4 seasons in a day’, I was grateful it decided to be spring for the entire day. I had also just commenced my photography course so I was eager to try out some of the techniques I had learnt, particularly some night shots as I had not used a tripod before so the night shots below were my first attempt.

A little reflection… ©jlhphotography
dogs, life, photography

Strange dogs or strange owners…?

I’m starting to get a little worried. Do I have a penchant for collecting strange dogs?

I wonder.

For those of you who follow my blog you may recall my story of my beloved Sausage who disliked walks immensely and you may also know that after her sad passing I adopted another wire-haired dachshound of whom we named Stanley. Sausage always amused us with her absolute refusal to walk and her many other strange behaviours, now it is Stanley who has us wondering if we have a strange effect on our 4-legged friends.

The other night my son and I were happily gnawing on freshly cut watermelon when his Dogship, who not wanting to miss out on any human activity, jumped on the couched and sniffed excitedly in the direction of the watermelon. ‘Stanley, it’s watermelon,’ I said. ‘You won’t like it’. At those spoken words he inched his way closer and having nearly finished my piece, I offered him some.
To my surprise, he ate it. No sniff, no slurp, just one big grab and swallow. And there he stayed, hovering and salivating until he was offered and subsequently devoured more watermelon.

Watching for the boys to come out of school…

It gets better, or should I say gets stranger. As a vegetarian I eat a lot of vegetables (funny that). So the night following the watermelon night, I had made a delicious stir fry of chinese cabbage, carrot, potato and leek sautéed in a thai flavoured spicy sauce. Accompanied by a glass of Pinot and a good movie, I curled up the couch to enjoy my simple meal.

Enter Stanley.

Taking a leap onto the couch and in very similar fashion to the watermelon incident, he once again sniffed excitedly. And once again I said, ‘No Stanley it’s cabbage you won’t like it’.

I really don’t need to say what happened next do I? Yep, he ate it. And the pièce de résistance? The night following the night of the cabbage, I was eating an apple. Yep, he ate that too, straight from the core.

A unique or should I say strange use of his doggy bed…

And I could continue, as there are many, many more strange incidents and events. Making love to the broom, sleeping in, not on his doggy bed, playing with unwilling cockroaches and mistaking a dropped piece of rocket lettuce for a strange yet unique looking bug.

‘Mum, why won’t this strange looking bug play like the cockroaches do…?

So the question remains: Strange dogs or just a strange owner?

life, photography

juggling life…

Life is a juggle don’t you think?

I definitely do, particularly this last week as I’ve had to finish 8 photography assignments for uni, be a mum and ensure the ever present and faithful Stanley has his 4-legged needs met.
So as its turned out, my challenge to myself to try and ‘postaday’ has fallen to the bottom of my priority list. However with a few moments spare before I dash off to classes (with 8 finished assignments in hand), I thought a small post documenting my last few days work would suffice.
Feel free to comment as I warmly welcome constructive feedback, which in turn can only serve to improve my photography. 🙂

Advertising shoot assignment ©2012jlhphotography
Reflective objects assignment ©2012jlhphotography
Advert assignment ©2012jlhphotography
It’s amazing what a sparkler, some wrapping paper and a bottle of Chanel will do. ©2012jlhphotography

Travel theme: Texture

Another great Travel Theme challenge from Ailsa @ Where’s my backpack .
Driving through the Sunshine Caost hinterland with a girlfriend, we saw a run down abandoned shed. Knowing I had the outlandish pair of purple shoes in my boot (there was a valid reason for their presence, trust me) I felt the juxtaposition of the shoes and shed could be an interesting image.

An abandoned shed and a pair of fancy shoes…


Forward not backward…

At times taking a backward step can be similar to putting on a comfortable pair of shoes. A sense of familiarity prevails and when you first start walking you feel good, happy and glad you returned to what sits well. But after a while blisters start to form, negativity manifests and you wonder why you ever chose to wear what you thought had once fit perfectly.
That is when you realise it’s time to throw those old shoes away and start anew.
So you run barefoot.
Into the new.
Across hard stones.
Only to find yourself standing comfortably.
Maybe there are a few scratches, maybe it hurts a little, but the overwhelming feeling is one of joy and contentment. Contentment in knowing you have shed those shoes, and you realise they no longer fit.
You. The person you are and the person you have always needed to be.
I now walk barefoot without need for a new pair of shoes.
I’m just walking.
Barefoot and free…